Key Fob Door Entry Systems
Key fob door access technology provides one of the most reliable ways of controlling and monitoring who is entering your premises.
It works by issuing authorised people with a handheld remote control device that interacts with key fob door readers located at each entry point to unlock the door and allow access to the user. Individual key fobs can also be allocated to specified people so that you can know who is using the device at all times.
Here at Scutum South East, we’re part of one of Europe’s leading companies specialising in commercial security systems and can provide and install reliable key fob entry systems tailored to the specific needs of your business.
If you’re in and around London, Surrey and the rest of the South East and want to find out more about key fob access control, and how it could improve the security at your business premises, get in touch with the team at Scutum South East today.